
MBL Infrastructure Limited is a ISO 9001: 2015, 14001:2015, 45001:2018 certified Company


The research and media reports by various broking firms / newspapers are meant for information purposes only. Views contained therein are the independent views of various broking firms and MBL Infrastructures Limited ("the Company") may not agree with the same in whole or in part. Putting the report on our website is not an invitation by the Company to investors to purchase or deal in the shares of the Company. Investors may make their own inquiries and analysis before investing in the shares of the Company.

Statements in the Management Discussion and Analysis Report and in various sections of this website with regard to projections, estimates and expectations have been made in good faith. The achievement of results is subject to risks, uncertainties and even less than accurate assumptions. Market data and information gathered from various published and unpublished reports, their accuracy, reliability and completeness cannot be assured.

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